1942-43 Athletic Club
Senior, Intermediate & Junior notes

Senior Captain .. Noel McQuillan. Junior Captain .. H. O'Donoghue.
Committee: P. Browne, P. O'Donoghue.
THIS YEAR Fr. Austin had a difficult task in getting his athletes ready for the Leinster Schools Championships, as the term was very short. However, he made an excellent job of the talent he had, and the effect of his work may be seen from results of the Leinster Sports. Noel McQuillan, last years Junior runner, was unanimously elected captain, and Paddy Browne, another Junior of last year, was made vice-captain. We had Eamon Boylan again for the High Jump and he certainly did his bit. Hugh O'Connor promised to be a great half-miler, and Joe Brennan had the makings of a good long-jumper. Among the Junior events, H. O'Donoghue, Paddy O'Donoghue, Paddy Hopkins and Noel Flanagan were the best, while the Juveniles showed great promise. We were very unfortunate that both Hugh O'Donoghue and Donal O'Connell were on the injured list and were unable to show their paces.
We had only one meeting with Blackrock, and our lads put up a great show. Noel McQuillan got first in the 100 yards and second in the Long Jump and also helped us to win a thrilling relay. Paddy Browne had a good double in the Senior Shot and Discus and was second in the Hurdles. Hugh O'Connor got second in the Half Mile after a magnificent race. He then did the Hop, Step, and Jump for his first time and amazed everyone with a jump of 38 ft. 4 ins. Well done Hugh! Eamon Boylan was the hero of the day. Not satisfied with getting second in the High Jump, he ran a magnificent Relay and beat the 'Rock sprinter by a good margin. J. O'Neill won the Junior High Jump and N. Flanagan won the Long Jump. P. O'Donoghue was second in the Junior 220 yards.
The Championships always seem to be held during bad weather. This year it was even worse than last. Noel McQuillan played a captain's part in winning the 100 yards, and 220 yards Senior, and in helping to give the Relay Team victory over Synge Street and Blackrock. Weather conditions rather hampered Paddy Browne, who however, got third place in the Senior Shot and Discus and also in the Hurdles. Joe Brennan, who was still recuperating after a short illness got fourth place in the Hop, Step and Jump, and E. Boylan got fourth in the High Jump.
The Juniors found the weather too bad for athletics, and Noel Flanagan scored our only success in the Junior Long Jump. The President's Cup for the 100 yards once more adorns the College press, thanks to Noel McQuillan's brilliant feat. We were unfortunate in not winning the Senior Shield. 'Rock just snatched it from us by the narrow margin of one point. Great credit is due to Fr. Austin Murphy for the many successes of his team.
Once again we would like to congratulate Noel McQuillan and his trusty band, who kept up the old Castleknock tradition in the Athletic Field.
100 Yards Senior | First | N. McQuillan | 10-2/5th sec |
220 Yards Senior | First | N. McQuillan | |
Senior Relay | First | N. McQuillan, E. Boylan, G. Clenaghan, P. O'Donoghue | |
12-lb Shot | Third | P. Browne | |
Discuss | Third | P. Browne | |
High Jump Senior | Fourth | E. Boylan | |
Hop-Step-and-Jump | Fourth | J. Brennan | |
Hurdles | Third | P. Browne | |
Junior Long Jump | Fourth | N. Flanagan |
- President's Cup for 100 Yards - N. McQuillan.
- Kevin Smyth Cup - N. McQuillan.
- Burke Trophy - N. McQuillan.