Business Lunch 2003
Guest speaker, Charlie McCreevy, TD, Minister for Finance

Guest speaker Mr. Charlie McCreevy T.D., Minister for Finance
The Union were honoured to welcome as their guests Sam Clyne CM, President of the College; John Doyle CM and Des MacMorrow CM; Andrew McGeady, College Headmaster; Donal O'Brien, Chairman of the Board of Governors; James McHugh, College Administrator; and Justice Anthony Hederman, Colman Healy and David Bell as Past Presidents of the Union. A table of nine of the present sixth year students of the College, accompanied by Ms. Ger Corrigan, also attended the Lunch as special guests of the Union.
This year saw yet another increase in the attendance at the Lunch which it seems is gaining in popularity each year. It was a most enjoyable social occasion which, as has become the norm, continued well into the evening. A feature of the Lunch this year was the number of younger pastmen present, who have chosen to make this day an annual get together of their classmates. It is wonderful to see the gathering of clan- pastmen from the 1930s and upwards mingling with the fresh faced pastmen of the new millennium.
The President had a special welcome for the Ladies Tables at the Lunch. The "Ladies Tables" have traditionally been filled by mothers of past and present students of the College who play a vital role in the life of the wider Castleknock College community and are always a most welcome addition to Union events.
Through the generosity of those present the Union raised €6,660 towards supporting an athlete in the Special Olympics and Fr. Paul Roche's mission in the Ukraine. Thank you all. The Committee is also very grateful to our sponsors for this event. Without their support it would not be possible to subsidise the event for our younger pastmen.
The Union is indebted to its President John Kearney and organising committee: Mr. John Fitzpatrick, Mr. John Loughran and Mr. Conor McCarthy for their dedication and the enormous amount of work they put in to making the Business Lunch the success it has undoubtedly become over the years. Thank you also to our year leaders whose invaluable assistance is much appreciated. We look forward to the Business Lunch 2004.