Class of 1959 - 25th Reunion recap

The class of '59 gathered in 1984 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their graduation from the College. A wonderful evening was had as evidenced from the picture below. The Union also used this as an opportunity to catch up on where this class are now, and those notes as published in the 1984 Chronicle, are reproduced below.
WILLIAM O'DRISCOLL lives in Church Street. Caherciveen, along with his wife Aine (nee Foley) and family of four boys and a girl. The family grocery business occupies the bulk of William's time - but further business interests include a partnership in Sive Minerals and agencies for distribution of beers and wines. He is also a keen member of several local committees, including Caherciveen Development Association and the Race Committee. William travels to Waterville for golf, while also enjoying squash and jogging. We wish William and family continued success in their many ventures.
FRED BEREEN lives in Santa Barbara, Ardee. with his wife Helena (formerly McWhirter) and three children. Fred has led a full life establishing a home in Ardee where he is chief psychiatrist to the North Eastern Health Board. His path to his present position has been via Queen's. Belfast (Research Fellow) and U.C.B.. Brussels. Belgium (Psychiatrist), and then University of Ottawa. Canada (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry). Having taken his medical degree in Queen's he then pursued further studies with Royal College of Physicians, then the Royal College of Psychiatrists in London and finally Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. After that arduous journey Fred now finds himself in Co. Louth, involved with the Simon Community and spending his little free time surfing and sailing, playing tennis and golf — a very full life indeed.
CHRISTOPHER BARRY is a brother of Fr. Matthew Barry, former President of Castleknock. Like his people before him. Christopher farms (in Co. Meath). where he lives with his wife Margaret and two boys, one of whom, Christopher, is presently attending Castleknock. Christopher is an outdoors man and enjoys tennis, golf and fishing as pastimes when work permits.
We were glad to hear that BILLY BASTOW was alive and well, living in Dublin with his wife Gloria and five children. Beginning with a number of jobs in business, Billy then took his B.A. in UCD, moved into accountancy becoming a management accountant and presently is financial controller. A member of a number of associations connected with his work he can fit in the occasional game of golf alongside family duties.
ARTHUR BLAKE is one of a number of brothers who were in Castleknock in the 1940s and 1950s. They came from Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, where Arthur is now living and a director of the family business. He is very much involved now in the local community. travelling to Lourdes each Easter as a helper with the Irish Handicapped Children's Pilgrimage Trust. He has also been involved in the Junior Chamber and is a strong member of the Enniskillen Rugby Club and a referee with the Ulster Branch. Apart from these activities he also finds time to be a member of the local swimming and golf clubs. Before settling down at home Arthur gained his diploma in Hotel Management in the Catering College in Cathal Brugha Street. Dublin. From there he went on to work in hotels in Switzerland. England and Scotland. He was then on the management side in two hotels in the Six Counties and returned home in the 1970s. Arthur is married to Wexford-born Angela Cronin and they have a family of two boys and two girls. To Arthur and Angela we wish every blessing.
BRIAN BRERETON's family has close and living contacts with Castleknock. Brian has also a long association with Donnybrook where he has practised dentistry for the past fifteen years. He also lives there with his wife Hilda and their three children. Since leaving Castleknock Brian's activities have been centred very much on Dublin, apart from one year spent as an assistant dentist in Northern Ireland. He graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons, was a House Surgeon in the Dublin Dental Hospital and after his spell in Northern Ireland was a part-time Dental Officer in the Dental Hospital. Brian manages a regular game of golf in Royal Dublin and maintains his rugby links through pavilion membership of Lansdowne.
We were glad to hear from JOHN CAMPBELL in Westport, Co. Mayo, where he now has his own dental practice. He is married to the former Ann O'Donnell and they have three boys in the family. John went to UCD on leaving Castleknock where he completed his B.D.S. degree very successfully. He then moved north of the border where he practised in Dungannon followed by a six months partnership before moving to Westport and his present position, an ideal location for fishing, for tempting him back to sailing and for playing the occasional game of tennis.
DES CARBERY, a nephew of our own Fr. Maurice Carbery, has remained close to his home roots as he now lives in Bullock Park, Carlow, with his wife Clair (nee Ryan) and six children, four boys and two girls. Engineering was Des's choice of profession and having graduated from Bolton Street, he was then an engineer with the Irish Sugar Company in Carlow for eight years. After his time with the Sugar Company, he moved to the Carlow Regional Technical College where he is now Lecturer in Engineering. He has been teaching for the last thirteen years. Des extends his educational interests further by his membership of the Carlow CBS Parents Council. He also continued a strong Carbery tradition by his interest in golf, being a member of Carlow Golf Club. We were glad to see Des on the occasion of Fr. Maurice's golden jubilee, and wish him continued success.
Along with general news gleaned about JIM CASEY during the year, we heard also about his sterling work for the Third World charity GOAL, of which he is co-founder and honorary treasurer. In the seven years of their existence they have collected over one million pounds for their projects as far apart as Chile and India. Uganda and Thailand. They fund people working directly in stricken areas such as Fr. Taffarel in Kerala, and the Irish Loreto nuns in Calcutta. In Calcutta they have funded a training institute in mother-child care. Jim's fund-raising activities are directed mainly at the Irish sporting community, but obviously funds from other quarters are equally welcome. As the administrative costs are met by the committee and interested members, Jim is obviously a busy man. His background is a big help here, as he is a chartered accountant practising in Dun Laoghaire. He also lives in Dun Laoghaire in Granitefield. along with his wife (the former Maeve Gannon) and their two children. Jim's playing days for Lansdowne are in the past, but he is still an active member of Sandycove Tennis Club. We wish Jim continued success.
MICHAEL COEN admits to liking his wife (formerly Linda Nugent, who is Austrian born), his two boys and a girl. Michael also confesses to disliking exams intensely — which is not surprising as he is currently taking his exams in Southampton University. Michael went to UCD on leaving Castleknock. In 1964 he switched to hotel management and remained in the hotel business until 1981. He then switched back to the world of science and studies again, and is at present in Southampton University in the Biochemical and Physiological area. Naturally enough, study occupies most of Michael's time nowadays. He has retired from the Junior Chamber but has commitments with local Catholic schools. Possibly linked with his area of interest is enthusiasm about health foods, a twelve-month plan to complete a half-marathon and a two-year plan to finish the marathon and an indeterminate one to canoe down the Amazon. Meantime, he is non-playing member of Hampshire County Cricket Club. To Michael and family we wish happiness and success in at least some of his ambitions and plans.
MICHAEL CONNOLLY is in general practice. Michael went to UCD on leaving Castleknock, and there took his degree having interned at St. Vincent's and St. Michael's hospitals, Dublin. He then went to the West of Ireland where he was Senior House Officer in Obstetrics in Castlebar maternity unit. Michael's involvement in community affairs include the Credit Union and Rotary Club. Squash and golf are his ways of relaxing. Obviously Michael along with his wife Lilian (nee O'Flynn) and their two girls lead a full, rewarding life.
If the organisers of the 1959 class reunion had been prepared to hold the get-together in Sydney, Australia. DERMOT DORGAN would have been delighted to attend — for that is where he is now living along with his wife Elizabeth (nee Nolan) at 16 St. Peter's Street. St. Peter's. Sydney. Dermot works there with Australian Catholic Relief (the Australian equivalent of Trocaire). His role is that of information officer running community education and information programmes on poverty and injustice and putting forward some possible solutions. Dermot spent some time with the Columban Fathers during which time he graduated in Arts, Theology and Scripture (the latter two from Rome, the first in Rockhampton). On arriving in Australia in 1973 he became involved in community development from the outset. Linking up with his work is a natural interest in the Pax Christi organisation and peace movement. He combines a little peaceful exercise with all this, having left his rugby and cricket playing days behind him. Jogging is his pastime now — but. he adds, only at a gentle pace. It was good to hear form you. Dermot. and may we wish you blessings and peace.
The Dowley family has long associations with Castleknock. LESLIE DOWLEY has maintained that association by sending his twin sons Douglas and Robert to his alma mater. Leslie and his wife Catherine (nee Morrissey) have also got three daughters in the family. Leslie is presently living in Carlow where he is Senior Plant Pathologist at the Oak Park Research Centre. The road to his present position led him. initially, to UCD where he graduated in Agricultural Science. He then went abroad to New Hampshire where he gained his Master's in Plant Pathology. He later did further study in TCD and so to plant pathology in Carlow. Leslie also leads a full life outside of his work. He is a member of Carlow and Tramore golf and tennis clubs and is also a squash player. His rugby interests include membership of the Leinster selection committee for junior inter-provincials. He is also chairman of the selection committee for Co. Carlow Football Club and President-elect of the same club. Leslie's activities have also included a term as President both of the Carlow Lions Club and Carlow Sports and Leisure Club. Obviously Leslie contributes in a very real way to his community. We wish him continued success in the future.
LIAM FEGAN lives in the locality of Castleknock with his wife Vera (nee Hammerstein) and three children — two boys and a girl. Presently. Liam is managing director of a family cash and carry food business. He went into the business directly on leaving school. He has put his roots down further in Castleknock by joining the local tennis club and Hermitage Golf Club (which is just across the river Liffey). Apart from keeping himself active through tennis and golf, Liam also travels extensively and keeps himself abreast of developments in his own area through membership of the National Wholesale Grocers Alliance. To Liam and his family we wish continued success.
MICHAEL FLYNN is yet another member of the 1959 year who entered the medical profession. Michael went to UCD on leaving Castleknock and qualified in 1965. He has kept in touch with medical research in a very real way since then. Besides his post-graduate work, he himself has been a teacher. After the usual hospital appointments in training for general practice, he became a family doctor in group practice and also a teacher in the Dublin Vocational Training programme for general practice. Michael has also been very much involved with his professional organisations, being Chairman of the Publishing Committee of the Irish Medical Organisation and President of the General Assembly of the European Union of General Practitioners. Obviously then, sailing out of Dun Laoghaire is a necessary respite from a busy life. Michael now lives with his wife Teresa (nee Flannery) in Rochestown Avenue. Dun Laoghaire. They have a family of one girl and three boys, one of whom. Michael, is presently in the College.
DAVID FRAME is a well established family and businessman living in Cabinteely. He is married to the former Geraldine Cunniam and has a family of two boys and four girls. The Frame family has long been associated with the Hammond Lane Metal Company Ltd. Their work centres on steel mills, foundries and smelters and deals mainly with reprocessing of metal. David, having gone directly into business after leaving Castleknock is now managing director of the company. David is a very useful golfer and many Castleknock golfers owe him a debt of gratitude over the years for the work he put into organising the Castleknock golf outings — one of the most enjoyable events of the year. Apart from playing his golf in Woodbrook, he maintains his rugby links through Lansdowne and his tennis through Carrickmines. In the midst of all this activity he ensures time for the family by taking family holidays abroad and at home.
PAUL GALLAGHER was originally from the North of Ireland and has been in that region since he left Castleknock. A year after leaving Castleknock he joined the then Munster and Leinster Bank. Starting in Enniskillen. he was stationed for varying lengths in the tense City of Deny, the quieter town of Dromone and is now in Omagh. Co. Tyrone, where he is assistant manager. Paul has become very much involved in the life of the Omagh community. Beginning with the Junior Chamber, he is now a member and incoming President of the Lions Club. Rugby and cricket kept him active until the 1970s when he turned to the stage. He now speaks very enthusiastically about the Omagh Players Dramatic Society. A hope for the future is to see his own novel published. To Paul, his wife Maura and two children we extend our warmest greetings.
EDWARD GILMARTIN is presently living with his wife and two boys in Ashley Rise. Portmarnock. He went to UCD on leaving Castleknock and there took on the long hard road to dentistry. After qualifying he moved North where he was assistant dental surgeon in Lurgan. Belfast. London and Strabane. He then returned to set up his own practice in Dublin. Having settled in Portmarnock he now uses the splendid facilities of the Portmarnock Sports Centre and is also attached to Malahide Golf Club. To Edward and his family we wish continuing happiness.
ANTHONY GLYNN is one of several of his year involved in third-level education. Anthony is presently attached to NIHE, Dublin. Anthony's field of interest lies in Science. Having taken his B.Sc. in UCD he then proceeded successfully to a Ph.D. After that he held several posts in education and research in Waterford and Canada. Biology is his field and he has been President of the Institute of Biology of Ireland and a member of the working party on Education in Biotechnology. Anthony's present position is Head of Industrial Liaison with NIHE which has taken him into the area of organisation and coordination. The demands of this work can leave little time for his hobbies of golf, tennis or badminton. He lives fairly close to his work in Onward Park. Portmarnock. with his wife Mary (nee O'Donnell) and four children.
It was good to hear recently from NOEL GREENE who is now living in Grafton Square. London S.W.4. Noel has been in London since the early 1980s working with London Weekend Television. Noel's professional interests have centred on television since 1963 when he joined RTE as a trainee. He remained with the station until 1981 during which time he held various posts resulting in his becoming a senior producer-director. He then went freelance after producing the Eurovision Song Contest that year. Later on he transferred to London and he worked with some of the major network series with London Weekend. Noel is a good advertisement for his profession as he is interested in theatre and television as hobbies with occasional trips to the Mediterranean sunshine. We wish Noel continued success on the little screen.
BILL HARRINGTON is living not too far from the College in Boden Wood. Rathfarnham. There he lives with his wife, the former Joan Holland, and his three children — two boys and one girl. Bill's interests led him into chemistry after College. He is now a member of the Institute of Chemistry. Ireland, and a B.Sc. Social rather than serious rugby is Bill's description of his footballing career on leaving Castleknock. He was a member of Lansdowne in the early 1970s. To Bill himself, to Joan and his family, we wish every blessing for the future.
HENRY LUND was also a member of the class of 1959. On leaving Castleknock he studied for his B.A. and then proceeded to his Master's in Economic Science. Having successfully entered the business world he is now managing director of Clondalkin Group PLC. We wish Henry continued success.
Fr. MARTIN MURNAGHAN comes from a family with long and close associations with Castleknock. Presently there are three Murnaghans in the College, and Fr. Hugh is a well-loved Vincentian who is Superior of Sunday's Well church in Cork. Fr. Martin is a priest in the Dublin diocese. He is a curate in the Kilmacud area of Dundrum parish at the moment. His experience of parish life is extensive. Beginning with the Daughters of St. Vincent de Paul in Crumlin Hospital, he was then to serve for some time in Clonskea parish before returning to an older part of the city, where he worked as curate in High Street and Harolds Cross parishes. Having then been chaplain in UCD for a time, he crossed the Liffey where he is now curate in Aughrim Street parish. We wish continued blessings on Fr. Martin's work.
FRANK MURPHY (along with Denis O'Donovan. CM.) is one of the two members of the 1959 class who became Vincentians. Although Fr. Frank is now stationed quite close to us in Maynooth seminary, his career has also taken him to distant places. Having joined the Vins in 1959 he was ordained in 1967 having obtained his B.A. en route. He then taught in St. Patrick's College. Armagh, for three years before joining a retreat team which was based in St. Joseph's, Blackrock. He was then transferred to Nigeria. Frank remained there for the next five years. Then a new phase began with his being sent to the Gregorian University in Rome where he gained his S.T.L. summa cum laude. After that he was appointed to All Hallows College, Drumcondra. and then from 1981 onwards to his present position as spiritual director in the national seminary in Maynooth. Frank is following in a long tradition there as the Vins have held that post for almost one hundred years. Frank's base is in our seminary, De Paul House, in Celbridge.
JUSTIN MCCARTHY's career took him to a number of countries before settling in California where he is now Justin McCarthy, Ear. Nose and Throat Surgeon. Justin graduated from UCD but quickly moved on to Canada where he took his licentiate to practise in that country. Having accomplished that Justin then entered his chosen field, doing post-graduate work in ear. nose and throat surgery, becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Canada. With all these qualifications behind him he then moved to California seven years ago, where he qualified yet again. He practises now in Gardena, California, as well as having links with three hospitals and UCLA Medical Centre, and lives in Sandycape Drive. Pacific Palisades. Justin's wife's maiden name was Sullivan. They have one boy and one girl. Justin still finds time to be involved in his local parish of Corpus Christi as well as taking part in the American pastimes, jogging and golf.
Everyone in the College would like to join with his many friends in congratulating FRANK O'DONNELL (1953-59) on his appointment during the year as the President of the Incorporated Law Society. His contemporaries will remember Frank as perhaps one of those lucky boys who was successful in his school days both in class and on the football pitch. In his final year in 'Knock he was a very important member of the team which brought the Senior Cup back to the College. On leaving Castleknock Frank decided to follow a career in law. On qualifying as a solicitor he spent a year in Harvard Law School in the USA where he received his L.L.M. On returning to Ireland. Frank set up practice in Dublin in his law firm Bell. Branigan. O'Donnell and O'Brien in Baggot Street. A native of Burtonport, Co. Donegal, and a son of Patrick O'Donnell. a Fine Gael T.D. and Minister for Local Government in the second Inter-Party Government (1954-57), Frank has been a member of the Fine Gael party for many ears. It is a measure of the esteem in which he is held by his colleagues that they have chosen him as their President. Frank is a father of five and he disputes the charge that the legal profession is remote from the everyday worries and fears of the ordinary citizen, particularly on law and order. To quote from an article in The Irish Times during the year: "Donegal men were always straight talkers and Frank O'Donnell is no exception. When he doesn't like something he says so." It might be added here that he also gives the reason for his position. This strength of character which was discernible in Frank as a boy and has now blossomed in him as a man, has undoubtedly influenced many and has helped Frank to become such a respected member of his chosen profession. We in the College wish Frank many years of further achievement and success.
DAVID O'KEEFE has been in the business world since leaving Castleknock. He has been a director of Youghal Carpets, managing director of Goulding Buildings and marketing consultant with Inbucon. He is presently managing director of Masser Hammond Ltd., Dublin, who are suppliers of commercial catering equipment. As his career has centred on Dublin. David lives in Belfield Court. Stillorgan Road, where he is married with one boy. His pastimes include membership of Lansdowne Road Rugby Club, and an active interest in sailing including ocean racing.
JOHN O'NEILL has made his home in Dublin and is living in Sidmonton Court. He and his wife (the former Joan Manahan) have a family of three boys and two girls. Swimming has remained a major interest in John's life. Apart from teaching swimming to Greystones national school children he is also a member of Sandycove Swimming Club with an interest in water polo. He is also a member of Greystones R.F.C. John began his business career with Craig Gardner. He then moved into the travel world eventually becoming financial controller for Blueskies and then the same post in Budget Travel Ltd.
On leaving Castleknock KEVIN O'ROURKE went on to Cathal Brugha Street Catering College where he completed his three-year catering management course. To this he added City & Guilds qualifications and diplomas from the Hotel & Catering Institute. After student days. Kevin's work in hotel management took him to a number of places throughout Ireland and Britain. He then moved from management to proprietorship and is presently the owner of the Duncombe Arms. Milton Keynes. Bucks. He lives there with his wife. Roseanne and five children, two of whom, Kevin and Karl are with us at present. Kevin maintains his professional contacts through the Chamber of Commerce and Catering Institutes. His outside interests include golf and rifle clubs. We wish Kevin success with his new venture.
It was good to hear from JIM PIERSE lately as Jim had close ties with the Vins and Castleknock. Jim was with the Vincentians for over five years after leaving Castleknock. Having considered the various choices open to him he decided on law and duly qualified in 1972. He then gained experience as an assistant solicitor before setting up in partnership in a new firm in 1976. Jim now lives in Villiers Road. Dublin 6. He was for a time a member of the very well known Rathmines Parish Youth Group which does such sterling work in the area. Jim won a Leinster Senior Cup Medal as scrum-half in 1959. Though claiming to be in the "golden oldie" category at this stage, he is still playing scrum-half with Wanderers. He is obviously still very active as he is also a member of Bective L.T.C. and Mount Pleasant Badminton Club.
We were glad to hear that FRANK SCOTT was maintaining contact with the College on two fronts — that he was present at the twenty-fifth dinner of the class of 1959 and that he is sending his boys to Castleknock in 1987 and 1988. Frank is now living in Kilkenny with his wife Kay and two boys Fergal and Rory. He seems to be well settled there as managing director of Leinster Insurances Ltd. His career to date has been in insurance having worked in three companies before attaining his present position. Frank contributes to the social life of Kilkenny through the Rotary Club (President 1982 83) and the Vincent de Paul Society. He is also very much part of the cultural side of that city as he is presently a member of the Archaeological Society, Musical Society, friend of the Art Gallery Society etc., while also a member of the rugby and golf clubs and not forgetting a Kilkenny traditional interest in hurling. We wish Frank, Kay and the boys continued success and happiness.
MICHAEL SHERIDAN both lives and works in Tramore. where he runs his own accountancy practice. Prior to establishing his own business in 1978, Michael had been audit manager in Galway and Waterford with Reynolds Cooper McCarron. He had already been successful in achieving membership of the Institute of Incorporated Public Accountancy. Michael obviously enjoys action in his spare time. While he would describe himself as only an occasional tennis player, he is also joint Master of the Waterford Beagles and is honorary treasurer of the local Catholic Guides. He is well situated for another interest of his. which is local history. We extend our best wishes to Michael, his wife Maria and their three girls.
We were delighted to hear from BILL THOMPSON who has made his home in Deeping Street. James" Road. Peterborough. Cambridgeshire. Along with Sandra, his wife, he lives there with one boy and one girl in the family. Bill's career has included the hotel business and the tyre industry. He spent seven years in hotel work, including one year in France. He then went to work with Goodyear Tyre Company and then moved to a subsidiary of the Michelin Company Associated Tyre Specialists, where he is now area manager around the Manchester district. Bill leads a full life outside of his work. Apart from playing games for exercise, he enjoys a range of music, mainly classical. He was also a founder member of the Deepings Round Table, and honorary secretary of the Peterborough Town Sports Club. Bill has managed to find time amongst all these activities to develop his talent as a short story writer. He published a collection in 1983 under the pen name Tom McCarthy. P.E.N. New Fiction have accepted a story for their next publication. We wish Bill every success with this new venture and. indeed, every aspect of his career.