Class of 1962 - 50th Reunion Alert
Where are they now

Class of 1962 are approaching their 50th anniversary and are planning a re-union next Summer to mark the occasion. Oliver Egan and Noel Broderick are your organisers and will no doubt be in touch with further details and to fill in the blanks on missing contacts.
From our records, 70 brave souls passed through the class of '62, namely: Colin Brennan, John Ferris, Shane McAllister, Paul McNicholas, Tim O'Connor, Alan Roche, Tom Roche and the 63 listed in the senior year group photograph below. Of these, sadly Michael Bannigan, Michael Casey, Niall Fitzpatrick, Sean Frankland, Kevin Haugh, John Leonard, Tony Moore and Eddie Quinlan are no longer with us.
They were quite a talented bunch of thespians, with their production of "The Maid of the Mountains" reported to be one of the best Operas the College has ever staged and their Debating Society excelled in producing leaders in jurisprudence, journalism and commerce. They had a marvellous SCT campaign, although you wouldn't know it from the matter of fact summation set out in the chronicles, and were no slouches either at Athletics, Tennis or Cricket.