Kevin Richard Brady, class '05
In Memoriam

The Very Reverend Kevin Brady, Pastor Emeritus of Holy Rosary Parish, Harold's Cross, who died in February at the age of eighty-six, was born the eldest of eleven children to Philip Brady [1844-1921] and Kathleen Crinion [1865-1936] of Greenfield House, Maynooth. Five of their sons were educated at SVC which was no surprise as two of his grand-uncles were former distinguished Presidents of the College. Fr. Thomas McNamara (1864-67) and Fr. Peter Duff (1868-73) and his mother's Crinion family also attended.
Kevin was ordained in Maynooth College in 1912. He ministered for a short time in Meath Diocese before being appointed curate to St. Peter's. Bray, where he spent many years. From there he was appointed Parish Priest of Blanchardstown, where he spent eight years until his transfer to the Holy Rosary Parish in February 1953. A few years later he was made a Canon.
While in St. Peter's. Bray. Father Brady volunteered for service as a chaplain with the British Forces in the First World War. He was posted to the Balkans, where British troops were holding off the Bulgarians from invading Greece. He was awarded the Military Cross, the highest award for valour available to a non-combatant during this campaign.
Canon Brady's competence as a historian was well known. He was founder of the Repertorium Novum, the diocesan Chronicle which appeared for some years. He was remarkable for his ready fund of the most accurate historic information. He was a most painstaking researcher and many scholars benefited from his specialised knowledge of the early days of Maynooth College.
Perhaps sanctity and wit are not so commonly found together, but the Canon had a gentle ironic sense of humour. He was also a charming host with a tremendous zest for company and a chat at any time.
The College extends sympathy to his brothers, sisters, relatives, priests of the parish and parishioners.
Requiescat in Pace