Peter Cunningham, class '73
In Memoriam

It was with a sense of great loss that we heard of the death of Peter Cunningham. With that sense of loss there was a deep sadness both for his wife Helen, his son Andrew, and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Des Cunningham. That one so young and full of enthusiasm, a much-loved husband and son, should so suddenly be gone from us was indeed a big cross. It is but one short year ago that we were writing a note on Peter's career and achievements, a career so full of promise. At that time he had just gone into partnership with John Loughran from his own year in the College. In the short time they were together they had achieved much. In his position as Hon. Treasurer of the Castleknock College Union Peter all by himself had contributed so much in a very short time.
Perhaps that phrase "achieving so much in a short time" may be the key to Peter's life. Both he and the Lord were in a hurry and there was no time to waste but when one so loved, so full of life and so successful, is suddenly taken from us there is an emptiness. a deep pain, a lack of understanding which we can only bring to the Lord and ask Him to heal. Maybe Peter's parents sensed the answer when they came to Union Day in May and when we met them they said they came because "they knew Peter would be here". In our deep sense of loss we believe that somehow here lies the answer. Peter who was so interested and so enthusiastic in so many areas, would hardly be less interested or less enthusiastic now that "he has passed to the other side". Peter's parents we believe may be reaching an answer setting an example for the rest of us to follow.
It is important, nevertheless, that we support each other in our grief and loss and so we in the College join with so many others in offering our prayers and sympathy to Peter's wife Helen, to his son Andrew and to his parents. May Peter who achieved so much in so short a time now receive the Lord's reward for a life well spent.
Requiescat in Pace.